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but better! - v1.0 - 3/3/2010 * http://benalman.com/projects/jquery-dotimeout-plugin/ * * Copyright (c) 2010 "Cowboy" Ben Alman * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. * http://benalman.com/about/license/ */ (function($){var a={},c="doTimeout",d=Array.prototype.slice;$[c]=function(){return b.apply(window,[0].concat(d.call(arguments)))};$.fn[c]=function(){var f=d.call(arguments),e=b.apply(this,[c+f[0]].concat(f));return typeof f[0]==="number"||typeof f[1]==="number"?this:e};function b(l){var m=this,h,k={},g=l?$.fn:$,n=arguments,i=4,f=n[1],j=n[2],p=n[3];if(typeof f!=="string"){i--;f=l=0;j=n[1];p=n[2]}if(l){h=m.eq(0);h.data(l,k=h.data(l)||{})}else{if(f){k=a[f]||(a[f]={})}}k.id&&clearTimeout(k.id);delete k.id;function e(){if(l){h.removeData(l)}else{if(f){delete a[f]}}}function o(){k.id=setTimeout(function(){k.fn()},j)}if(p){k.fn=function(q){if(typeof p==="string"){p=g[p]}p.apply(m,d.call(n,i))===true&&!q?o():e()};o()}else{if(k.fn){j===undefined?e():k.fn(j===false);return 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Part of https://html5boilerplate.com/ licensed under MIT license */ // Avoid `console` errors in browsers that lack a console. (function() { var method; var noop = function () {}; var methods = [ 'assert', 'clear', 'count', 'debug', 'dir', 'dirxml', 'error', 'exception', 'group', 'groupCollapsed', 'groupEnd', 'info', 'log', 'markTimeline', 'profile', 'profileEnd', 'table', 'time', 'timeEnd', 'timeline', 'timelineEnd', 'timeStamp', 'trace', 'warn' ]; var length = methods.length; var console = (window.console = window.console || {}); while (length--) { method = methods[length]; // Only stub undefined methods. if (!console[method]) { console[method] = noop; } } }()); // To help debugging
// Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////// var SECOND_MS = 1000; // Milliseconds in a second var MINUTE_MS = 60 * SECOND_MS; // Milliseconds in a minute var HOUR_MS = 60 * MINUTE_MS; // Milliseconds in an hour var DAY_MS = 24 * HOUR_MS; // Milliseconds in a day var TO = "_to"; // _to part of an interval field var FROM = "_from"; // _from part of an interval field var KEY_Q = 81; // Q var ARROW_DOWN = 40; //arrow-down var FIELD_ID = "field_id"; var NAME = "name"; PartnerType=new Object(); PartnerType.BUYER="BY"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Utility methods ///////////////////////////////////////////////// function $(fieldId, rowNumber) { if(rowNumber == null) return document.getElementById(fieldId); else return document.getElementById(fieldId + "_" + rowNumber); } /** If prameter is string, look up element with that ID, otherwise return parameter (=element) */ function element(elemOrId) { return (typeof elemOrId == 'string')? $(elemOrId) : elemOrId; } function findParentTag(node, tagName) { node = node.parentNode; while(node != null && node.tagName != tagName) node = node.parentNode; return node; } /** * Sets focus to field * Include fixes to work in all browsers */ function setFocus(field, select){ if(!field.readOnly && !field.disabled){ // readOnly and disabled fields should never be focused window.focusField = field; // Must use global variable for setTimeout to work //field.tabIndex = 0; // fix for focus() problem in Firefox if(field.id != "user_id" && field.id != "password") // Don't break password autocomplete field.setAttribute('autocomplete','off'); // fix for focus() problem in Firefox if(showTabWithField) // Ensure that this funtion is loaded showTabWithField(field); window.setTimeout('doSetFocus(' + select + ')',0); // Set focus to the element. setTimeout needed to avoid bugs in both IE and Firefox } } function doSetFocus(select) { try { if(window.focusField.focus) // Ensure that the focus method exists for the element window.focusField.focus(); if(window.focusField.select && // Ensure that the focus method exists for the element (select == null || select)) window.focusField.select(); } catch (e) { // Do nothing } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Escaping data for URLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Escape all data with ISO-8859-1 plus escapes '+' to '%2B' * If encodeURI() instead, change resin.conf + TextUtils.ENCODING */ function urlEncodeData(data) { var output = new String( escape(data) ); var re = new RegExp('\\+', 'g'); return output.replace(re,'%2B'); // Replace + with %2B } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Trimming strings ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Trims a string * @param str The string to trim * @return The trimmed string */ function trimString (str) { str = this != window? this : str; return str.replace(/^\s+/g, '').replace(/\s+$/g, ''); } // Make trimString the trim method of strings String.prototype.trim = trimString; /** * Trim the contents of a field. * @param theField The field to trim */ function trimField(theField) { theField.value = theField.value.trim(); return theField.value; } String.prototype.startsWith = function(s) { return this.indexOf(s) == 0; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Replacing variables ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Replace variables in a string */ String.prototype.replaceVar = function(variable, value) { var re = new RegExp("{" + variable + "}","g"); return this.replace(re , value); } /** * Replace indexed (numeric) variables in a string */ String.prototype.replaceIndex = function(variable, value) { var re = new RegExp("\\{" + variable + "\\}","g"); return this.replace(re , value); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Filter digits ///////////////////////////////////////////////// function filterDigits(s) { return s.replace(/[^0-9]/g,''); // Remove all non digit characters } function filterLetterOrDigit(s) { return s.replace(/[^0-9a-zA-Z]/g,''); // Remove all non digit characters } /** * Replace commas with dots */ function replaceDecimalChar(s){ return s.replace(/,/g , "."); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Filter starting zeroes ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Delete starting zeroes in string * @param str The string * @return The trimmed string */ function deleteStartingZeroes(str) { return str.replace(/^0+/, ''); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Array methods ///////////////////////////////////////////////// Array.prototype.contains = function (element) { for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if(this[i] == element) return true; } return false; }; Array.prototype.remove = function (element) { for(var i = 0; i < this.length; ) { if(this[i] == element) { this.splice(i, 1); } else i++; } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Utility functions for dates ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /** A regular expression that matches dates */ var dateFormatRegExp = new RegExp("[0-9]{2,4}-?[0-9]{2}-?[0-9]{2}"); var dateExtractRegExp = new RegExp("([0-9]{2,4})-?([0-9]{2})-?([0-9]{2})"); /** DD-MM-CCYY */ var danishDateFormatRegExp = new RegExp("[0-9]{2}[-.]?[0-9]{2}[-.]?[0-9]{2,4}"); var danishDateExtractRegExp = new RegExp("([0-9]{2})[-.]?([0-9]{2})[-.]?([0-9]{2,4})"); function stringToDate(dateString) { // Make sure not blank if(dateString == null || dateString == "" ) // If empty return null; // No date // Make sure the format is correct CCYYMMDD or CCYY-MM-DD if( dateString == dateString.match(dateFormatRegExp) ) { // Lastly check to make sure the date itself is valid // Extract year, month and day. Create a date object from that. dateExtractRegExp.exec(dateString); var matchedYear = RegExp.$1; if(matchedYear.length == 2) matchedYear = "20" + matchedYear; var createdDate = new Date(matchedYear, RegExp.$2 - 1, RegExp.$3) // See if the date in the object matches the string // (to make sure the string contained a valid date) var validYear = createdDate.getFullYear(); // Date.getYear() gets you in trouble with years like 9999 if( validYear < 1000 ) validYear += 1900; if( matchedYear != validYear || RegExp.$2 != (createdDate.getMonth()+1) || RegExp.$3 != createdDate.getDate() ) return null; else return createdDate; } return null; // Not matching allowed dates } Date.prototype.toString = function() { var year = this.getFullYear(); var month = this.getMonth() + 1; var date = this.getDate(); if("DA" == "SV" || "NO" == "SV") { return (date < 10 ? "0" : "") + date + "-" + (month < 10 ? "0" : "") + month + "-" + year; } else return year + "-" + (month < 10 ? "0" : "") + month + "-" + (date < 10 ? "0" : "") + date; } Date.prototype.equals = function(that) { return that != null && this.getTime() == that.getTime(); } /** Get a Date object representing today, without any time information */ function today() { var now = new Date(); return new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate()); } /** A regular expression that matches dates */ var timeFormatRegExp = new RegExp("[0-9]{2}:?[0-9]{2}:?[0-9]{0,2}"); var timeExtractRegExp = new RegExp("([0-9]{2}):?([0-9]{2}):?([0-9]{0,2})"); function stringToTime(timeString) { // Make sure not blank if( timeString == "" ) // If empty return null; // No date // Make sure the format is correct CCYYMMDD or CCYY-MM-DD if( timeString !=timeString.match(timeFormatRegExp) ) return null; // Lastly check to make sure the date itself is valid // Extract year, month and day. Create a date object from that. timeExtractRegExp.exec(timeString); var createdTime = new Date(2001, 1 , 1, RegExp.$1, RegExp.$2, RegExp.$3) // See if the date in the object matches the string // (to make sure the string contained a valid date) if( RegExp.$1 != createdTime.getHours() || RegExp.$2 != createdTime.getMinutes() || RegExp.$3 != createdTime.getSeconds()) return null; else return createdTime; } /** * Format time to a string * @param noSeconds Do not include seconds in resulting string */ Date.prototype.toTimeString = function(noSeconds) { var hours = this.getHours(); var minutes = this.getMinutes(); var seconds = this.getSeconds(); var secondString = ""; if( seconds > 0 && ! noSeconds) secondString = ":" + (seconds < 10 ? "0" : "") + seconds; return (hours < 10 ? "0" : "") + hours + ":" + (minutes < 10 ? "0" : "") + minutes + secondString; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Check a form before posting ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * If second parameter is false, the event will be cancelled. * See http://www.xulplanet.com/references/objref/Event.html */ function eventReturn(event, retVal) { if(event != null) { event.returnValue = retVal; event.cancel = ! retVal; if(! retVal) { // retVal == false if(event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); } } return retVal; } function alreadyCancelled(event) { if(event != null) { if(event.getPreventDefault) // Firefox return event.getPreventDefault(); if(event.returnValue != null) // Opera and IE return ! event.returnValue; // returnValue == false --> Cancelled } return false; // No event to cancel... } function checkForm(theForm, event) { if(navigator.appName == "HttpUnit") // Skip if HttpUnit. No support for event. return true; if(event != null && event.returnValue == false) // If already problems return false; if(theForm == null) // If no form... return true; // ... no problem var inputFields = theForm.elements; // To get selects also var errorField = null; for(var i = 0; i < inputFields.length; i++) { var currentField = inputFields[i]; if( ( isRequired(currentField) ) && ( ! currentField.readOnly )){ checkNotBlankNew(currentField); // An error is reported if the field is required and blank or 0 } if(errorField == null && isFieldMarked(currentField)) errorField = currentField; } if(markErrors()){ // If any error was found return eventReturn(event, false); } else if(errorField != null) { // Error not registered in error handler alert("Sidan inneh\u00E5ller fel som du m\u00E5ste \u00E5tg\u00E4rda f\u00F6rst!"); setFocus(errorField); return eventReturn(event, false); } return eventReturn(event, true); } /** * Flag to tell if the user has already posted the form so that the * page must first be reloaded. */ var alreadyPosted = false; /** * This function checks if the button has already been clicked */ function preventDoubleClick(event) { if(navigator.appName == "HttpUnit") // Skip if HttpUnit. No support for event. return true; if(alreadyCancelled(event)) // If something (form check) has already gone wrong return false; // For 5.0 only: if(! alreadyPosted) // If page not already posted { alreadyPosted = true; // Now, we have clicked already return eventReturn(event, true); } else // If we have clicked already { alert('Bearbetning p\u00E5g\u00E5r, v\u00E4nligen v\u00E4nta.'); return eventReturn(event, false); } } /** * This function should be set as onClick on links, and prevents the * link på be followed if the page has already been posted (as defined * above). */ function stopIfSubmitted(event) { // if(alreadyCancelled(event)) // If something has already gone wrong // return; if(alreadyPosted) { return eventReturn(event, false); } } /** Allow user to click again in x seconds */ function allowClickAgain(seconds) { window.setTimeout('alreadyPosted = false', seconds * 1000); } // Include tabs scripts ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tabs ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Global variable containing ID of current tab */ var currentTabId = null; /** * This function sets the tab to be used on posting or reloading * @param tab The name of the tab to set. */ function setTab(tab) { if(typeof tab == 'string') tab = $(tab); // 1. Remember this tab in the form posting // MJ 2002-04-25: Return to first tab after post // var theForm = document.forms(0); // if( theForm.baseAction == null ) // theForm.baseAction = theForm.action; // theForm.action = theForm.baseAction + "?TAB=" + tab.id; // 2. Remeber tab in document in case of reload currentTabId = tab.id; // 3. Mark the current tab var tabLinks = document.getElementsByName("tabLink"); // Find all items with id=tabLink for(var i = 0; tabLinks != null && i < tabLinks.length; i++) { var currentTabLink = tabLinks[i]; if( currentTabLink.getAttribute('tab') == tab.id) // If this was the clicked link currentTabLink.style.color = "black"; else currentTabLink.style.color = "#154A8A"; } } /** * Switch tab. Hides all other tabs (divs) and shows the new one. * @param tab The name of the tab to show. (The ID of the DIV). */ function showTab(tab) { if(typeof tab == 'string') tab = $(tab); // 1. Remeber the tab (and mark correct current) setTab(tab); // 2. Hide all other tabs var allDivs = document.getElementsByTagName("div"); if( allDivs != null ) { for(var i = 0; i < allDivs.length; i++) { if(allDivs[i].getAttribute('tab') != null) // If this this div is a tab. allDivs[i].className = "hidden"; } } // 3. Show the selected tab tab.className = "shown"; } /** * Switch tab to the one that contains the specified field */ function showTabWithField(field){ // Try to find the corresponding tab var containingTab = findParentTag(field, "DIV"); // If we found a div that is tab, switch to it if( containingTab && containingTab.getAttribute('tab')) showTab( containingTab ); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Key validation -> page reload ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Reloads the page with the value of the key field as the new parameter. * @param The fields (one or many) with the key */ function reload() { // location.search = keyField.name + "=" + keyField.value; var searchString = ""; for ( var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var currentField = element(arguments[i]); if(fieldHasAnyError(currentField)) // Do not reload if key is invalid return; // MJ 2002-05-29: searchString += currentField.name + "=" + urlEncodeData(currentField.value) + "&"; // searchString += currentField.name + "=" + encodeURIComponent(currentField.value) + "&"; } if( currentTabId != null ) searchString += "TAB=" + currentTabId; waitForReload(); window.location.search = searchString; } /** * Stop the user from interaction until page has reloaded */ function waitForReload() { alreadyPosted = true; // Forbid post or click before reload // Clear the page, so no other clicks (like submit) is possible // MJ 2002-06-19: 5.0 still crashes... if(navigator.appVersion.indexOf('MSIE 5.0') == -1) // If not IE 5.0 document.body.innerHTML = "Wait while reloading..."; // MJ 2002-07-16: Crashes 5.0 //document.body.removeNode(true); // Remove body and all inside } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Confirmation of deletes and obliterations ///////////////////////////////////////////////// function confirmDelete(event) { if( ! confirm("\u00C4r du s\u00E4ker p\u00E5 att du vill radera?") ) { return eventReturn(event, false); } } function confirmObliterate(theField, event) { var dataType = theField.getAttribute('unlockTime'); var textInfo = "\u00C4r du s\u00E4ker p\u00E5 att du vill makulera? "; if (dataType !== null && dataType !== "null") { textInfo = "Artikelinformation \u00E4r l\u00E5st tills " + dataType; if (!alert(textInfo)) { return eventReturn(event, false); } } if (!confirm(textInfo)) { return eventReturn(event, false); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Input correction //////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Filter the input and cancel unallowed keys */ function filterInput(theField, event) { var keyCode = event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : // IE (event.charCode ? event.charCode : event.which); // Firefox // First do some common filtering if( event.ctrlKey ) // If control-key is pressed (this may always be true in Firefox) return; // Always allow (for Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V) if(keyCode == 9 || keyCode == 32 || keyCode == 27) // If TAB or SPACE (allow space for onChange(???)) or ESC return; if(keyCode == 8 || keyCode == 46) // If BACKSPACE or DELETE return; if(keyCode >= 33 && keyCode <= 40) // If PAGEUP/DOWN or END or HOME or ARROWS return; if(theField.tagName.toUpperCase() == "TEXTAREA") { // If maxlength not used or not yet reached if(theField.maxlength == null || theField.value.length < theField.maxlength) return; else { return eventReturn(event, false); } } // Numeric values are allowed everywhere if( (keyCode >= 48 && keyCode <= 57) || // >= 0 && <= 9 (keyCode >= 96 && keyCode <= 105) ) // numeric keyboard >= 0 && <= 9 return; // Now let's look at the type and do specific filtering var dataType = theField.getAttribute('datatype'); // alert("dataType " + dataType); if(dataType == null || dataType == 6 || dataType == 7) { return; // For text, any character is allowed } // Negative numbers and dates if(dataType == 1 || dataType == 4 || dataType == 8) { if(keyCode == 109 || keyCode == 189) // If MINUS/DASH '-' (normal or numeric keyboard) return; } // FLOAT if(dataType == 4 || dataType == 5) { var maxDecimals = parseInt(theField.getAttribute('decimals')); if(theField.value.indexOf('.') == -1 && theField.value.indexOf(',') == -1 && // If not already punctuation maxDecimals != 0 && // And decimals are allowed event.shiftKey == false && // Not shifted (keyCode == 110 || keyCode == 188 || keyCode == 190) ) // If punctuation (, or .) return; } // TIME if(dataType == 9) { if(event.shiftKey == true && keyCode == 190) // If colon (:) return; } return eventReturn(event, false); } /** * Verify that there is input on this required field. * The function checks if the field is required, since it * might be set onChange for fields toBeRequired * @return true if the input is ok, false if it is blank */ function checkNotBlank(theField) { trimField(theField); // We make sure the field is required, since the field might be "toBeRequired" if(isRequired(theField) && stringIsBlank(theField.value) ) // If required and blank { alert("Obligatoriskt f\u00E4lt! V\u00E4rde m\u00E5ste anges"); markField(theField); return false; // Check was NOT OK } else { unmarkField(theField); return true; // Check was OK } } /** * Verify that there is input on this required field. * The function checks if the field is required, since it * might be set onChange for fields toBeRequired * @return true if the input is ok, false if it is blank */ function checkNotBlankNew(theField) { trimField(theField); errorhandler.removeErrorForField(theField, "required_field"); if(isRequired(theField) && ! theField.readOnly){ if( theField.type == "checkbox" && ! theField.checked){ // If non checked checkbox errorhandler.addErrorForField(theField, "required_field"); return false; } else if(stringIsBlank(theField.value)){ errorhandler.addErrorForField(theField, "required_field"); return false; } else { var dataType = theField.getAttribute('datatype'); // Required numeric fields should not have value 0 if( ( dataType >= 1 && dataType <= 5 ) && parseFloat(replaceDecimalChar(theField.value)) == 0 ){ errorhandler.addErrorForField(theField, "required_field"); return false; } } } else if(stringIsBlank(theField.value)){ // Blank but not requried return false; } return true; // Not blank } /** * Check if there is a valid entry in the field * Valid values depend on the field attribute 'datatype' * This method reports errors to the gloabalErrorHandler */ function checkInput(theField) { //debugger; // This method takes care of all erorrs on level 10 so start by removing those errors from the field //errorhandler.removeErrorsForFieldByLevel(theField, 10); // This method is always(?) called first in validation routines so remove all errors from field errorhandler.removeAllErrorsForField(theField); if( ! checkNotBlankNew(theField) ) // If the field was blank, error has been noted return; // we don't need to check the value var theValue = theField.value; var dataType = theField.getAttribute('datatype'); if(typeof dataType == 'undefined') dataType = jq(theField).data('datatype'); // Backed-up up by auto complete var numericField = false; var errorType = null; // No error type means the field is valid // INTEGER if(dataType >= 1 && dataType <= 3) { numericField = true; var parsedValue = parseInt(theValue, 10); // Parse as decimal var i = 0; for(i = 0; i < theValue.length && theValue.charAt(i) == '0'; i++) // Loop over all leading zeros ; if( theValue != "" && theValue.substring(i) != parsedValue ) // (Remove leading 0s) errorType = "invalid_integer"; else if( dataType == 2 && parsedValue < 0 ) errorType = "invalid_positive"; else if( dataType == 3 && parsedValue < 1 ) // STÄMMER 1??? errorType = "invalid_key"; } // FLOAT else if(dataType == 4 || dataType == 5) { numericField = true; // Convert all , to . theField.value = replaceDecimalChar(theField.value); theValue = theField.value; var parsedValue = parseFloat(theValue); if( theValue != "" && theValue != parsedValue ) errorType = "invalid_float"; else if( dataType == 5 && parsedValue < 0 ) errorType = "invalid_positive"; else if(theField.getAttribute('decimals') != null) theField.value = formatDecimal(parsedValue, parseInt(theField.getAttribute('decimals'))); } // DATE else if(dataType == 8) { var dateInField = stringToDate(theValue); if( dateInField == null ) errorType = "invalid_date"; else theField.value = dateInField.toString(); } // TIME else if(dataType == 9) { var timeInField = stringToTime(theValue); if( timeInField == null ) errorType = "invalid_time"; else { var noSeconds = theField.getAttribute("noSeconds"); theField.value = timeInField.toTimeString(noSeconds); } } // Check required field if( isRequired(theField) && numericField && parseFloat(theValue) == 0) errorType = "must_not_be_zero"; // Mark the field and display error OR unmark if( errorType ){ errorhandler.addErrorForField(theField, errorType); return false; } else{ return true; } } /** * Change the letters in a field to upper case. * @param field The field to change to upper case */ function upperCase(theField) { theField.value = theField.value.toUpperCase(); } /** * Get the hidden value element for the specified checkbox * */ function getHiddenCheckboxValueElement(checkboxElement){ if( checkboxElement.getAttribute("valueField") == null ){ // If the value field has not been set, set it var CHECKBOX_PREFIX = "CHECKBOX_"; checkboxElement.setAttribute("valueField", checkboxElement.id.substr(CHECKBOX_PREFIX.length)); } return $(checkboxElement.getAttribute("valueField")); } /** * Set the hidden value field of a checkbox withou calling * the onClick method. For example used by checkboxes on new rows. */ function setHiddenCheckboxValue(checkboxElem) { var valueElem = getHiddenCheckboxValueElement(checkboxElem); var checked = checkboxElem.checked; if(checked) valueElem.value = 't'; else valueElem.value = 'f'; unmarkField(checkboxElem); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Find fields ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getElementsByAttribute(tagName, attributeName, attributeValue) { var output = new Array(); var foundCount = 0; var allTags = document.getElementsByTagName(tagName); for(i = 0; i < allTags.length; i++) { var currentElement = allTags[i]; if(currentElement.attributes != null && // If element has attributes currentElement.getAttribute(attributeName) == attributeValue) // And attribute matches value output[foundCount++] = currentElement; } return output; } /** * Find a field. First try to find it on the row and, if not found there, * then try to find it on the "head" (no row). */ function getFieldOnRowOrHead(fieldName, rowNumber) { if(rowNumber == null) // If recursed to "head" level return document.getElementById(fieldName); // Return from "head" var fieldOnRow = document.getElementById(fieldName + "_" + rowNumber); if(fieldOnRow != null) // If found on row return fieldOnRow; else // If not found on this level, look at parent level recursively return getFieldOnRowOrHead(fieldName, getParentRowNumber(rowNumber) ); } /** Get the rowNumber, given a field */ function getRowNumber(field) { return field.getAttribute('rowNumber'); } /** Get the rowNumber with suffix, given a field */ function getRowNumberWithPrefix(field) { var rowNumber = getRowNumber(field); return rowNumber ? "_" + rowNumber : ""; }; /** * Find parent rowNumber of a rowNumber */ function getParentRowNumber(rowNumber) { rowNumber = new String(rowNumber); // Make sure rowNumber is a String (can be number) if(rowNumber == null) return null; var indexOfUnderscore = rowNumber.lastIndexOf('_'); if(indexOfUnderscore == -1) // If the rownumber is not a child row return null; else return rowNumber.substring(0,indexOfUnderscore); } /* * Extract rowNumber part of an id. Example a_b_c_1_2 -> 1_2. * If the ID does not contain a rowNumber, null will be returned. */ function extractRowNumber(id) { var startUnderscore = id.lastIndexOf('_'); if(startUnderscore == -1) // If id does not contain underscore return null; var endUnderscore = id.length; // Initially, look until end while(startUnderscore != -1 && ! isNaN(parseInt(id.substring(startUnderscore + 1,endUnderscore)))) { endUnderscore = startUnderscore; // Move back one underscore startUnderscore = id.lastIndexOf('_', endUnderscore - 1); } if(endUnderscore < (id.length)) // If there were rownumbers return id.substring(endUnderscore + 1); else return null; } function isTemplate(idOrElem) { var elem = element(idOrElem); var templateLevel = elem.getAttribute("templateLevel"); return (templateLevel != null) && templateLevel > 0; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Change field state ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Mark a field containing an error */ function markField(theField) { // For future use: // if(theField.className != null && ( ! fieldHasAnyError(theField) ) ) // theField.oldClassName = theField.className; theField.className = 'error'; // Mark the field } /** * Clear mark from an error free field */ function unmarkField(theField) { if( theField.readOnly ) theField.className = "readonly"; else if( isRequired(theField) ) theField.className = "required"; // Unmark a required field else theField.className = null; // Unmark the field } /** * Clear mark from an error free field if it's not marked as required */ function unmarkUnrequiredField(field){ if( ! isRequired(field) ) unmarkField(field); } /** Is the field marketd (CSS style) with error? */ function isFieldMarked(field) { return (field.className == "error"); } /** * Set whether field is open/editable or closed/uneditable by providing a flag * @param editable true if the field should be editable, false if it should not * @param clearOnClose If the field is closed, should it also be cleared? */ function setEditable(elemOrId, editable, clearOnClose) { if(editable) openField(elemOrId); else { if(clearOnClose) closeAndClear(elemOrId); else closeField(elemOrId); } } /** * Make a field uneditable */ function closeField(elemOrId) { if(navigator.appName == "HttpUnit") // Skip if HttpUnit return; var theField = element(elemOrId); theField.className = "readonly"; theField.readOnly = true; if(theField.type == "checkbox") theField.disabled = true; theField.tabIndex = -1; var checkBox = $('CHECKBOX_' + theField.id); if(checkBox != null) checkBox.disabled = true; if(theField.tagName == "SELECT") theField.disabled = true; } /** * Closes an interval of fields, specifying only the underlying field id * Ex: article_id -> article_id_from, article_id_to * @param id the field id to close */ function closeIntervalFields(id) { closeField(id + "_from"); closeField(id + "_to"); } /** * Make a field editable */ function openField(elemOrId) { if(navigator.appName == "HttpUnit") // Skip if HttpUnit return; var theField = element(elemOrId); theField.readOnly = false; theField.disabled = false; theField.tabIndex = 0; unmarkField(theField); // Set class to required or null // moved from first line by mu 2002-06-13 var checkBox = $('CHECKBOX_' + theField.id); if(checkBox != null) checkBox.disabled = false; if(theField.tagName == "SELECT") theField.disabled = false; } /** * Opens an interval of fields, specifying only the underlying field id * Ex: article_id -> article_id_from, article_id_to * @param id the field id to open */ function openIntervalFields(id) { openField(id + "_from"); openField(id + "_to"); } /** * Close given field (=make uneditable) and clear data */ function closeAndClear(elemOrId) { var theField = element(elemOrId); closeField(theField); // Close theField.value = ''; // Clear closeField(theField); theField.value = ''; } /** * Check if given field is required */ function isRequired(theField) { return theField.getAttribute('required'); } /** * Make a field required */ function makeRequired(fieldOrId) { var theField = element(fieldOrId); if(isTemplate(theField)) { theField.setAttribute('toBeRequired', true); // This may be a template field } else theField.setAttribute('required', true); if(! theField.readOnly) theField.className = "required"; // Unmark a required field } /** * Make a field no longer required */ function makeNotRequired(fieldOrId) { var theField = element(fieldOrId); if(isTemplate(theField)) { theField.removeAttribute('toBeRequired'); // This may be a template field } else theField.removeAttribute('required'); errorhandler.removeErrorForField(theField, "required_field"); if(! theField.readOnly) theField.className = null; // Unmark a required field } /** * Toggle wether the the fields of a row are required or not, depending on the * delete checkbox. */ function toggleRequiredRow(checkboxElem) { checkboxElem = getCheckBox(checkboxElem); // Make sure we have the checkbox (and not the hidden field) var deleteRowsString = checkboxElem.getAttribute('deleteRows'); var rowsToCheck = new Array(); if(deleteRowsString ){ // The deleteRows attribute consists of a comma separated list of elements var rowNumber = extractRowNumber(checkboxElem.id); var rowsIdsToCheck = deleteRowsString.split(","); // find the rows to check using id and rownumber for(var i = 0; i < rowsIdsToCheck.length; i++ ){ rowsToCheck.push( $(trimString(rowsIdsToCheck[i]), rowNumber) ); } } else{ var deleteLevels = checkboxElem.getAttribute('deleteLevels'); if(! deleteLevels) deleteLevels = 1; // Default only 1 level = only current TR var row = findParentTag(checkboxElem, "TR"); for(var j = 1; j < deleteLevels; j++) { row = findParentTag(row, "TR"); // Step up to next TR (in case of nested table) } // If no table was found, alert and exit if( row == null ) { alert("No row"); return; } rowsToCheck.push(row); } // Locate the hidden value field for the checkbox var valueElem = getHiddenCheckboxValueElement(checkboxElem); // Find all input tags // It is tempting to handle tag 'SELECT' the same way but don´t, // because a readonly SELECT is not among the parameters. for(var ix = 0; ix < rowsToCheck.length; ix++ ){ var inputTags = rowsToCheck[ix].getElementsByTagName("INPUT"); _handleRequiredFromArray(inputTags, checkboxElem, valueElem); var textAreaTags = rowsToCheck[ix].getElementsByTagName("TEXTAREA"); _handleRequiredFromArray(textAreaTags, checkboxElem, valueElem); var selectTags = rowsToCheck[ix].getElementsByTagName("SELECT"); _handleRequiredFromArraySelect(selectTags, checkboxElem, valueElem); } } /* * "Private method" to handle readOnly and required, depending on checkbox */ function _handleRequiredFromArray(labelTags, checkboxElem, valueElem) { for(i = 0; i < labelTags.length; i++) { var currentTag = labelTags[i]; var checked = checkboxElem.checked; if(currentTag != checkboxElem && currentTag != valueElem){ // Don't do anything with either the delete checkbox itself or it's complimentary value element if(checked){ if(!currentTag.readOnly){// Fields that are originally marked readOnly should not be toggled currentTag.setAttribute("toggleReadOnly", true); } if(currentTag.getAttribute("toggleReadOnly")){ // closeField(currentTag); } if(isRequired(currentTag)){// If delete and this one is required currentTag.setAttribute("wasRequired", true); // Remeber it was required if unchecked currentTag.removeAttribute('required'); //errorhandler.removeAllErrorsForField(currentTag); // Added this call to enable removal of empy row that has been marked for errors if( currentTag.className == "required" ) // If marked required (not "error") currentTag.className = ""; // view as not required (was = null) } } else{ // If not delete if(currentTag.getAttribute("wasRequired")){ // If this one was required currentTag.setAttribute('required', true); currentTag.removeAttribute("wasRequired"); if( currentTag.className == "") // If not "error" (was currentTag.className == "null" ) currentTag.className = "required"; // view as required } if(currentTag.getAttribute("toggleReadOnly")){ openField(currentTag); fieldHasAnyError(currentTag); // Mark reopened field if it has an error } } } } } function _handleRequiredFromArraySelect(labelTags, checkboxElem, valueElem) { for(i = 0; i < labelTags.length; i++) { var currentTag = labelTags[i]; var checked = checkboxElem.checked; if(currentTag != checkboxElem && currentTag != valueElem){ // Don't do anything with either the delete checkbox itself or it's complimentary value element if(checked){ if(currentTag.getAttribute("readonly") !== "readonly"){// Fields that are originally marked readOnly should not be toggled currentTag.setAttribute("toggleReadOnly", true); } if(currentTag.getAttribute("toggleReadOnly")){ // var select = document.getElementById(currentTag.id); var selectId = select.id; var input = document.querySelector('input#' + selectId); if(!input) { input = document.createElement("INPUT"); input.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); input.setAttribute("id", selectId); input.setAttribute("name", selectId); input.setAttribute("field_id", selectId); input.setAttribute("value", select.value); select.parentNode.insertBefore(input, select.nextSibling); } closeField(currentTag); } if(isRequired(currentTag)){// If delete and this one is required currentTag.setAttribute("wasRequired", true); // Remeber it was required if unchecked currentTag.removeAttribute('required'); if( currentTag.className == "required" ) // If marked required (not "error") currentTag.className = ""; // view as not required (was = null) } } else{ // If not delete if(currentTag.getAttribute("wasRequired")){ // If this one was required currentTag.setAttribute('required', true); currentTag.removeAttribute("wasRequired"); if( currentTag.className == "") // If not "error" (was currentTag.className == "null" ) currentTag.className = "required"; // view as required } if(currentTag.getAttribute("toggleReadOnly")){ var select = document.getElementById(currentTag.id); var selectId = select.id; var input = document.querySelector('input#' + selectId); if (input) { input.remove(); } openField(currentTag); fieldHasAnyError(currentTag); // Mark reopened field if it has an error } } } } } function toggleHidden(elem) { elem = element(elem); elem.style.display = (elem.style.display == 'none') ? 'block' : 'none'; } /** * Used to show by class property * @param elem */ function shown(elem) { elem = element(elem); // firefox cant handle table structures if doing this, read below... //elem.className = "shown"; elem.className = ""; elem.style.display = ""; // to make it work for both ie and ff we instead set the class to ""; and... // set style.display to blank, to use browser default, this way you can still use css class "hidden" on // objects that you want to have hidden from start } /** * Used to hide by class property * @param elem */ function hidden(elem) { elem = element(elem); elem.className = "hidden"; } /** * Used to show or hide by class property * @param elem * @param shownOrHidden */ function setShownOrHidden(elem, shownOrHidden){ if(shownOrHidden) shown(elem); else hidden(elem); } function show(elem) { elem = element(elem); // elem.style.visibility = "visible"; elem.style.display = ""; } function hide(elem) { elem = element(elem); // elem.style.visibility = "hidden"; elem.style.display = "none"; } /** Show or hide element (possibly ID) depending on the visible flag */ function setVisible(elemOrId, visible) { if(visible) show(elemOrId); else hide(elemOrId); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Given a field ID, a hidden field or a checkbox, return the checkbox*/ function getCheckBox(elemOrId) { var field = element(elemOrId); // String or field return (field.type == "checkbox") ? field : $('CHECKBOX_' + field.id); // Look for checkbox } function setCheckBox(field, value) { // find visible checkbox var checkbox = getCheckBox(field); // Look for checkbox checkbox.checked = value; setHiddenCheckboxValue(checkbox); } function isCheckboxChecked(field) { return getCheckBox(field).checked; /* if(field.type == "checkbox") // If this is the actual checkbox return field.checked; else // If this is the hidden field containing T or F return field.value == "t"; */ } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Scripts for value checks ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Make sure the value of a from field is less than the value of * the to field. * @param from The from field * @param to The to field */ function checkFromTo(fromElemOrId, toElemOrId, event, customErrorMessage) { var from = element(fromElemOrId); var to = element(toElemOrId); // Determine error type to send right error message var dataType = from.getAttribute('datatype'); var errorType = null; if(dataType == 8){ errorType = "end_date_earlier_start_date"; } else errorType = "error_from_to"; errorhandler.removeErrorForField(from, errorType); errorhandler.removeErrorForField(to, errorType); // IE and W3C (Firefox) have different ways to access events // Opera seems to support both W3C's and IE's ways of event handling var eventField = window.event ? window.event.srcElement : event ? event.target : null; var fromIsValid = checkInput(from); // Special case // if from-field is entered and the user haven't reached the to-field, no error message should be sent // even if to-field is required if(eventField && (eventField == from) && (to.value == "") && fromIsValid){ return; } var toIsValid = checkInput(to); if( fromIsValid && toIsValid){ // If both fields are valid by themselves var fromValue = fieldToObject(from); var toValue = fieldToObject(to); if( fromValue == null || toValue == null ){ // Is this check really necessary after checkInput() ? return; } else if( fromValue > toValue ){ errorhandler.addErrorForField(from, errorType, customErrorMessage, to); errorhandler.addErrorForField(to, errorType, customErrorMessage, from); } } } function timeOnlyIfDate(dateFieldId, timeFieldId) { var dateField = element(dateFieldId); var timeField = element(timeFieldId); if(fieldIsBlank(dateField)) { closeField(timeField); timeField.value = ''; } else openField(timeField); } /** * Make sure the fromDate is before toDate */ function validateFromToDates(startDateFieldId, endDateFieldId, event, rowNumber){ var startDateField = $(startDateFieldId, rowNumber); var endDateField = $(endDateFieldId, rowNumber); checkFromTo(startDateField, endDateField, event); } function checkFromToTimes(dateFieldId, timeFieldId, event) { var fromDateField = $(dateFieldId + '_from'); var toDateField = $(dateFieldId + '_to'); var fromTimeField = $(timeFieldId + '_from'); var toTimeField = $(timeFieldId + '_to'); var fromDate = fieldToObject(fromDateField); if(fromDate != null && fromDate.equals(fieldToObject(toDateField))) { // Same day checkFromTo(fromTimeField, toTimeField, event); // Check time intervall } else { // Dates are not same, allow any time intervall errorhandler.removeErrorForField(fromTimeField, "error_from_to"); errorhandler.removeErrorForField(toTimeField, "error_from_to"); } } function checkEmailAddress(emailAddressField) { if(fieldHasAnyError(emailAddressField)) // If already erronous return false; // Skip check var emailAddress = emailAddressField.value; if(emailAddress.length == 0) // If no mail entered return true; // Skip check (required check is done elsewhere) if( ! emailCheck(emailAddress)) // If error when checking e-mail { markField(emailAddressField); alert("Felaktig e-postadress"); return false; // Check was NOT OK } else return true; } function checkEmailAddresses(emailAddressField) { if(fieldHasAnyError(emailAddressField)) // If already erronous return false; // Skip check var emailAddresses = emailAddressField.value.split(new RegExp("[ ;,]")); if(! emailAddresses) // Only delimiters return false; for(var i =0; i < emailAddresses.length; i++ ){ var emailAddress = emailAddresses[i]; if(! stringIsBlank(emailAddress) && ! emailCheck(emailAddress)) // If error when checking e-mail { markField(emailAddressField); alert("Felaktig e-postadress"); return false; // Check was NOT OK } } return true; // All valid } /* Mattias Jiderhamn found this script at http://javascript.internet.com/forms/check-email.html Modified by Mattias Jiderhamn: All alerts removed Changes: Sandeep V. Tamhankar (stamhankar@hotmail.com) 1.1.2: Fixed a bug where trailing . in e-mail address was passing (the bug is actually in the weak regexp engine of the browser; I simplified the regexps to make it work). 1.1.1: Removed restriction that countries must be preceded by a domain, so abc@host.uk is now legal. However, there's still the restriction that an address must end in a two or three letter word. 1.1: Rewrote most of the function to conform more closely to RFC 822. 1.0: Original This script and many more are available free online at The JavaScript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com */ function emailCheck(emailStr) { /* The following pattern is used to check if the entered e-mail address fits the user@domain format. It also is used to separate the username from the domain. */ var emailPat=/^(.+)@(.+)$/ /* The following string represents the pattern for matching all special characters. We don't want to allow special characters in the address. These characters include ( ) < > @ , ; : \ " . [ ] */ var specialChars="\\(\\)<>@,;:\\\\\\\"\\.\\[\\]" /* The following string represents the range of characters allowed in a username or domainname. It really states which chars aren't allowed. */ var validChars="\[^\\s" + specialChars + "\]" /* The following pattern applies if the "user" is a quoted string (in which case, there are no rules about which characters are allowed and which aren't; anything goes). E.g. "jiminy cricket"@disney.com is a legal e-mail address. */ var quotedUser="(\"[^\"]*\")" /* The following pattern applies for domains that are IP addresses, rather than symbolic names. E.g. joe@[] is a legal e-mail address. NOTE: The square brackets are required. */ var ipDomainPat=/^\[(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\]$/ /* The following string represents an atom (basically a series of non-special characters.) */ var atom=validChars + '+' /* The following string represents one word in the typical username. For example, in john.doe@somewhere.com, john and doe are words. Basically, a word is either an atom or quoted string. */ var word="(" + atom + "|" + quotedUser + ")" // The following pattern describes the structure of the user var userPat=new RegExp("^" + word + "(\\." + word + ")*$") /* The following pattern describes the structure of a normal symbolic domain, as opposed to ipDomainPat, shown above. */ var domainPat=new RegExp("^" + atom + "(\\." + atom +")*$") /* Finally, let's start trying to figure out if the supplied address is valid. */ /* Begin with the coarse pattern to simply break up user@domain into different pieces that are easy to analyze. */ var matchArray=emailStr.match(emailPat) if (matchArray==null) { /* Too many/few @'s or something; basically, this address doesn't even fit the general mould of a valid e-mail address. */ return false } var user=matchArray[1] var domain=matchArray[2] // See if "user" is valid if (user.match(userPat)==null) { // user is not valid return false } /* if the e-mail address is at an IP address (as opposed to a symbolic host name) make sure the IP address is valid. */ var IPArray=domain.match(ipDomainPat) if (IPArray!=null) { // this is an IP address for (var i=1;i<=4;i++) { if (IPArray[i]>255) { return false } } return true } // Domain is symbolic name var domainArray=domain.match(domainPat) if (domainArray==null) { return false } // Make sure there's a host name preceding the domain. if (len<2) { var errStr="This address is missing a hostname!" return false } // If we've gotten this far, everything's valid! return true; } /** * Validate that the the field complies to a regular expression, unless it is blank * (since blank should be caught by required check). If no error message is provided a * general "Invalid value" will be used. */ function validateRegExpIfNotBlank(field, re, errorMessage) { var value = trimField(field); if(value.length != 0) // If not blank (required will catch that) { if(value.match(re) == null) { markField(field); if(errorMessage != null) alert(errorMessage); else alert('Ogiltigt v\u00E4rde'); } else unmarkField(field); } } /** * Get the value of a field with the corrent object type */ // MJ 2002-06-11: function fieldToObject(theField) { if(theField == null) return null; trimField(theField); var theValue = theField.value; var dataType = theField.getAttribute('datatype'); if( theValue == "" ) // If blank return null; // INTEGER if(dataType >= 1 && dataType <= 3) return parseInt(theValue); // FLOAT else if(dataType == 4 || dataType == 5) { // Convert all , to . theField.value = replaceDecimalChar(theField.value); theValue = theField.value; return parseFloat(theValue); } // DATE else if(dataType == 8) { return stringToDate(theValue); } // TIME else if(dataType == 9) { return stringToTime(theValue); } return new String( theValue.trim() ); } function stringIsBlank(s) { return s == null || s.trim().length == 0; } function stringIsTrue(s) { return s == "true" || s == "t"; } function fieldIsBlank(elemOrId) { var field = element(elemOrId); return field == null || stringIsBlank(field.value); } /** * Get the valid value of the field, provided by field or ID. * Will return null if field is blank or has any errors */ function getValidValue(elemOrId) { var field = element(elemOrId); if(field == null || fieldHasAnyError(field) || fieldIsBlank(field)) { return null; } else return field.value; } /** Get text content (i.e. inner text) of object */ function getTextContent(obj) { if(obj.tagName == "INPUT" || obj.tagName == "SELECT") return obj.value; else if(document.all) return obj.innerText; else return obj.textContent; } /** Set text content (i.e. inner text) of object */ function setTextContent(obj, value) { if(obj.tagName == "INPUT") obj.value = value; else if(document.all) obj.innerText = value; else obj.textContent = value; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pagination of dirty pages ///////////////////////////////////////////////// var pageDirty = false; // Initially page is not dirty function warnIfDirty(event) { if(pageDirty) { if( ! confirm("\u00C4ndringar har gjorts. Vill du forts\u00E4tta utan att spara?") ) { return eventReturn(event, false); // Do not move to next page } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tooltip scripts and utility functions for // both tooltips and menus ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Hide the SELECT tags that are covered by the parameter object, * since they would otherwise be seen through the object. * If dimensions of object cannot be determined, hide all SELECT tags. * @param doc The document on which to hide all the SELECTs * @param obj The HTML element whose dimensions should determine what SELECTs to hide */ function hideSelectsBehindObject(doc, obj) { var objDims = obj.getBoundingClientRect ? obj.getBoundingClientRect() : null; var selectTags = doc.getElementsByTagName("SELECT"); for(i = 0; i < selectTags.length; i++) // Go through all elements { var selectTag = selectTags[i]; if(selectTag.getBoundingClientRect) // If IE, hide only what needs to be hidden { var currentSelectCords = selectTag.getBoundingClientRect(); // If above or below if(currentSelectCords.bottom < objDims.top || currentSelectCords.top > objDims.bottom) continue; // If above or below if(currentSelectCords.right < objDims.left || currentSelectCords.left > objDims.right) continue; } selectTags[i].style.visibility = "hidden"; } } /** * Show all the SELECT tags hidden by hideSelectsBehindObject above. * @param doc The document on which to show all the SELECTs. */ function showAllSelects(doc) { var selectTags = doc.getElementsByTagName("SELECT"); for(i = 0; i < selectTags.length; i++) // Go through all elements selectTags[i].style.visibility = "visible"; } // Include tooltip scripts ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TOOLTIPS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function showTooltip(evt,txt) { if($('tipCell') == null) return; $('tipCell').innerHTML = txt; $('tooltipDiv').style.left = document.body.scrollLeft + evt.clientX + 5; // Was offsetX and no scroll $('tooltipDiv').style.top = document.body.scrollTop + evt.clientY + 5; // Was offsetY and no scroll $('tooltipDiv').timeout = window.setTimeout('performShowTooltip()', 600); } function performShowTooltip() { hideSelectsBehindObject(document, $('tipCell')); // Position the tooltip where the mouse is at now // document.tooltipDiv.style.pixelLeft = document.body.scrollLeft + window.event.clientX + 3; // Was offsetX and no scroll // document.tooltipDiv.style.pixelTop = document.body.scrollTop + window.event.clientY + 3; // Was offsetY and no scroll // Show the tooltip $('tooltipDiv').style.visibility = "visible"; } function hideTip() { if($('tooltipDiv') == null) return; // Make sure any shown tooptip is hidden $('tooltipDiv').style.visibility = "hidden"; // Clear any "queued" tooltips window.clearTimeout( $('tooltipDiv').timeout ); if(menuActive) // If any menu is active return; // Do not reenable selects // Reenable selects showAllSelects(document); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Keep-alive pings ///////////////////////////////////////////////// function ping() { var req; if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } else { // Firefox and Opera req = new XMLHttpRequest(); } req.open("GET", "https://oden.exder.net/html/ping.jsp", false); // false = Synch req.send(null); schedulePing(); // Schedule next ping } function schedulePing() { window.setTimeout('ping()', 10 * 60 * 1000); // Ping in 10 minutes } schedulePing(); // Schedule first ping ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Scripts for uploaded files ///////////////////////////////////////////////// function checkFileExtension(caller) { var fileName = caller.value.trim(); if(stringIsBlank(fileName)) { unmarkField(caller); return; } var extension = ""; var lastDot = fileName.lastIndexOf('.'); if(lastDot > 0 && lastDot < (fileName.length - 1)) extension = fileName.substring(lastDot + 1).toLowerCase(); var extensionList = caller.getAttribute('extensions').toLowerCase(); var allowedExtensions = extensionList.split(","); for(var i = 0; i < allowedExtensions.length; i++) { if(extension == allowedExtensions[i]) { unmarkField(caller); return; } } markField(caller); alert("Otill\u00E5ten fil\u00E4ndelse. Bara f\u00F6ljande filtyper \u00E4r till\u00E5tna: \n" + extensionList); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Make phone calls with 3Switch ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Popup informing the user that the call is being placed var dialingPopup; /** JavaScript function for placing call using 3Switch*/ function placePhoneCall(number) { if(! dialingPopup) { // Popup has not been initialized dialingPopup = jq('
Ringer ...
').getBubbleContainer(); } var dialingDots = jq('#dialingDots'); var numberInDialPopup = jq('#numberInDialPopup'); // Show "Dialing 123456", without dots numberInDialPopup.removeClass('warning').html(number); dialingDots.css('opacity', 0); dialingPopup.center().fadeIn(); // Show popup, centered on page dialingPopup.doTimeout('dialing', 2000, 'fadeOut'); // Fade out in 2 seconds, if nothing else happens ThreeSwitchDWR.call(number, { callback: function(result) { if(result) { dialingDots.css('opacity', 1); // Show dots dialingPopup.doTimeout('dialing', 2000, 'fadeOut'); // Fade out after 2 seconds } else { dialingDots.css('opacity', 0); // Hide dots numberInDialPopup.addClass('warning').html('Ett fel uppstod'); // Show error dialingPopup.doTimeout('dialing', 4000, 'fadeOut'); // Fade out after 4 seconds } }, errorHandler: function(errorString, exception) { // Handle error dialingDots.css('opacity', 0); // Hide dots numberInDialPopup.addClass('warning').html(errorString); // Show error dialingPopup.doTimeout('dialing', 4000, 'fadeOut'); // Fade out after 4 seconds } }); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Rounding and number formatting ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * This function looks up the correct rounding principle from the page or setting and rounds the given value accordingly */ function round(value) { var roundingPrincipleFromEntityField = $('rounding_principle'); var roundingPrinciple = ''; if(!fieldIsBlank(roundingPrincipleFromEntityField)) roundingPrinciple = roundingPrincipleFromEntityField.value; // first use given rounding principle on page else roundingPrinciple = 'HU'; // secondly from setting if(stringIsBlank(roundingPrinciple)) roundingPrinciple = 'HU'; // shouldnt happend, but thirdly use default if(roundingPrinciple == 'HE') { return roundHalfEven(value); } else if(roundingPrinciple == 'HU') { return roundHalfUp(value); } else { // should never happend !!! alert("Rounding principle " + roundingPrinciple + " not recognized!") return value; } } /** * Round the value using HALF_EVEN principle (bankers rounding) * Mattias Jiderhamn, 2003-05-14 * @param value */ function roundHalfEven(value) { var floored = Math.floor(value); if(value - floored == 0.5) // If exactly half { if(floored % 2 == 0) // If even return floored; else return Math.ceil(value); } else // If not half... return Math.round(value); // ... use normal rounding } /** * Round the value using HALF_UP principle (javascript default round) * @param value */ function roundHalfUp(value) { return Math.round(value); } /** * Format a decimal number to always have two decimals. * The rounding principle used is determined in round() */ function formatAmount(number) { var rounded = round(number * 100) / 100.0; var numberString = new String(rounded); var decimalPosition = numberString.indexOf('.'); if( decimalPosition < 0) return numberString + '.00'; else if(decimalPosition == numberString.length - 2) return numberString + '0'; else return numberString; } /** * Format a decimal number to always have three decimals. * The rounding principle used is determined in round() */ function formatQuantity(number) { var rounded = round(number * 1000) / 1000.0; var numberString = new String(rounded); var decimalPosition = numberString.indexOf('.'); if( decimalPosition < 0) return numberString + '.000'; else if(decimalPosition == numberString.length - 2) return numberString + '00'; else if(decimalPosition == numberString.length - 3) return numberString + '0'; else return numberString; } function formatDecimal(number, noOfDecimals) { var multiplier = Math.pow(10, noOfDecimals); var rounded = round(number * multiplier) / multiplier; var numberString = new String(rounded); if(noOfDecimals > 0) { var currentDecimals = getNoOfDecimals(numberString); if(currentDecimals == 0) numberString += '.'; for( ; currentDecimals < noOfDecimals ; currentDecimals++) numberString += '0'; } return numberString; } /** * Rounds value to either .00 or .50 * Gerry Askefalk, 2010-07-01 */ function currencyRounding(value) { var floored = Math.floor(value) if ( value - floored < 0.25 ) return floored; else { if (value -floored > 0.75) return floored +1.0; else return floored + 0.5; } } function getNoOfDecimals(number) { var val = new String(number); var decimalPosition = val.indexOf('.'); // Look for decimal dot if( decimalPosition < 0) // If no decimal dot ... decimalPosition = val.indexOf(','); // ... look for decimal comma if(decimalPosition >= 0) // Decimal delimiter found return val.length - decimalPosition - 1; else return 0; } /** * See http://www.gs1.org/productssolutions/barcodes/support/check_digit_calculator.html **/ function getEANChecksum(input) { var length = input.length; var factor = 3; var sum = 0; for(var i = length; i > 0; --i) { var current = input.charAt(i-1); sum += current * factor; factor = 4 - factor; // 3,1,3,1,3,1... } return (1000 - sum) % 10; } /** Check if string is a valid EAN code (GTIN, GLN etc) */ function isEANChecksumValid(input) { if(stringIsBlank(input)) return false; else return getEANChecksum(input.substring(0,input.length-1)) == input.charAt(input.length-1); } /** * Perform an action for each line in a table. * @param table The table element or the ID of the table. * @param rowDependentFieldId The ID if a field that must exist on the row to perform the action * @param callbackFunction The funtion that will be called for each row containing the field, given the rowNunber as parameter. */ function forEachTableLineContaining(table, rowDependentFieldId, callbackFunction) { forEachChildTableLineContaining(table, rowDependentFieldId, null, callbackFunction); } /** * Perform an action for each line in a table. * @param table The table element or the ID of the table. * @param rowDependentFieldId The ID if a field that must exist on the row to perform the action * @param parentRowNumber The row number of the parent of the table, if any * @param callbackFunction The funtion that will be called for each row containing the field, given the rowNunber as parameter. */ function forEachChildTableLineContaining(table, rowDependentFieldId, parentRowNumber, callbackFunction) { if(navigator.appName == "HttpUnit") // Skip if HttpUnit. No support for table rows. return; if(typeof table == 'string') // ID provided table = $(table, parentRowNumber); // Look up actual table var maxRowNo = table.rows.length; // Does not work with HttpUnit for(var childRowNumber = 1; childRowNumber <= maxRowNo; childRowNumber++) { var rowNumber = (parentRowNumber != null) ? (parentRowNumber + '_' + childRowNumber) : childRowNumber; var rowDependentField = $(rowDependentFieldId, rowNumber); if(rowDependentField != null) { callbackFunction(rowNumber, rowDependentField); } } } /** * Perform an action for each field with a given ID; looping rows. * @param fieldId The ID if a field that must exist on the row to perform the action. When no field exist, loop will end. * @param callbackFunction The funtion that will be called for each row containing the field, given the rowNunber as parameter. */ function forEachField(fieldId, callbackFunction) { for(var rowNumber = 1; true; rowNumber++) { var field = $(fieldId, rowNumber); if(field == null) break; else { callbackFunction(rowNumber, field); } } } /** * Performs a test to see if the browser is blocking popup-windows * */ function isPopupBlocked(){ var popup = window.open('', 'testWindow', 'scrollbar=no, width=1, height=1, outerHeight=1, outerWidth=1, menubar=no, location=no'); if (popup) { popup.close(); return false; } else { return true; } } function openRequestHelpPopup() { var page; try{ page = "/logic/requestHelp/edit?function_id=" + functionId; }catch(ex){ // If functionId doesn't exist we end up here. This means the current page doesn't have a // text:function-tag or doesn't print requestHelp-tag page = "/logic/requestHelp/edit?function_id=nonFunctionPage"; } openSearchPopup(page, 600, 520); } function zeroPad(orig,len) { var result = orig; if (result == null) return; while (result.length < len) { result = "0" + result; } return result; } /** * IS currentBrowser IE ? */ function isInternetExplorer() { return (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > 1); } // To help debugging // To help debugging
// To help debugging
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Resizing main frame // This script is always accessible, even if not logged in ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Resize the main (middle) frame * http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/workshop/author/om/measuring.asp * http://www.softcomplex.com/docs/get_window_size_and_scrollbar_position.html * http://www.quirksmode.org/viewport/compatibility.html */ function resizeMainFrame() { if(navigator.appName == "HttpUnit") // Skip if HttpUnit return; var mainFrame = document.getElementById('mainFrame'); // Try to find mainFram if(mainFrame != null) // If mainFrame found { var temp = jQuery("
"); jQuery("body").append(temp); /* alert( //"document.body.clientTop: " + document.body.clientTop + "\n" + // 0 //"document.body.clientHeight: " + document.body.clientHeight + "\n" + // Window "document.body.offsetHeight: " + document.body.offsetHeight + "\n" + // OK in Firefox "document.body.scrollHeight: " + document.body.scrollHeight + "\n" + // OK in older IE // "document.body.scrollHeight - document.body.offsetHeight + document.body.clientTop: " + (document.body.scrollHeight - document.body.offsetHeight + document.body.clientTop) + "\n" + "temp.offset().top: " + temp.offset().top + "\n" + "jQuery(document.body).height(): " + jQuery(document.body).height() + "\n" + // Only Firefox "jQuery(document.documentElement).height(): " + jQuery(document.documentElement).height() + "\n" + // Only Firefox - same as temp.top "jQuery(document.body).outerHeight(true): " + jQuery(document.body).outerHeight(true) + "\n" // Only Firefox // Only works in Firefox, and they are all the same as jQuery(document.documentElement).height() //(document.documentElement ? // "document.documentElement.offsetHeight: " + document.documentElement.offsetHeight + "\n" + // "document.documentElement.scrollHeight: " + document.documentElement.scrollHeight + "\n" + // "document.documentElement.clientHeight: " + document.documentElement.clientHeight // : "-") // "document.body.getBoundingClientRect().bottom: " + document.body.getBoundingClientRect().bottom + "\n" + // Only Firefox ); */ var tempTop = temp.offset(); temp.remove(); if(window.innerHeight) { // var clientTop = document.body.clientTop ? document.body.clientTop : 0; // var excess = document.body.offsetHeight - window.innerHeight; // + clientTop; // offsetHeight only works in Firefox, not Chrome nor (newer) IE var excess = tempTop.top - window.innerHeight; // + clientTop; /* window.status = "window.innerWidth: " + window.innerWidth + " / document.body.scrollWidth: " + document.body.scrollWidth + " / document.body.offsetWidth: " + document.body.offsetWidth; */ if(document.body.scrollWidth > window.innerWidth) // If horisontal scrollbars present excess += 15; var calculatedHeight = mainFrame.offsetHeight - excess - 34; // Save space for horizontal scroll bar if(mainFrame.getAttribute('minHeight') && calculatedHeight < mainFrame.getAttribute('minHeight')) calculatedHeight = mainFrame.getAttribute('minHeight'); else if (calculatedHeight < 0) calculatedHeight = 0; /* window.status = "window.innerHeight: " + window.innerHeight + " / document.body.scrollHeight: " + document.body.scrollHeight + " / document.body.offsetHeight: " + document.body.offsetHeight + " / mainFrame.offsetHeight: " + mainFrame.offsetHeight + " / excess: " + excess + " / calculatedHeight: " + calculatedHeight; */ mainFrame.style.height = calculatedHeight + "px"; // Change height of all divs (they have the overflow-y: auto) var tabBodies = document.getElementsByTagName("div"); for(var i = 0; i < tabBodies.length; i++) { if(tabBodies[i].getAttribute('tab') && tabBodies[i].style.overflowY == "auto") tabBodies[i].style.height = calculatedHeight + "px"; } } } if(navigator.appVersion.indexOf('MSIE 5.0') != -1) // If IE 5.0 { var activeTab = document.getElementById(currentTabId); if(activeTab != null) showTab(activeTab); // Fix for IE 5.0 } } /** * Show the full main frame. Used onbeforeprint */ function showFullMainFrame() { if(currentTabId != null) // If a tab has been selected { var activeTab = document.getElementById(currentTabId); // Find active tab if(activeTab.style.overflowY == 'auto') { activeTab.style.overflowY = 'visible'; activeTab.setAttribute('wasScrolling', true); } } //Hide menu before printing hideMenus(); } function hideMenus() { var allMenus = document.getElementById('allMenus'); if(allMenus != null) allMenus.style.display = "none"; } /** * Make the main frame scrollable again after printing. Used onafterprint */ function makeMainFrameScrollable() { if(currentTabId != null) // If a tab has been selected { var activeTab = document.getElementById(currentTabId); // Find active tab if(activeTab.getAttribute('wasScrolling')) activeTab.style.overflowY = 'auto'; } //Show the hidden menus again! var allMenus = document.getElementById('allMenus'); if(allMenus != null) allMenus.style.display = ""; } //
//A note to the reader! // // In this lib do not get confused by the reference to this.className It IS in fact // the Instance (AND the Class.) function DatePickerControl() { } /** * Creates the calendar's div element and the button into the input-texts with * attibute datepicker="true" */ DatePickerControl.init = function() { // try to create the DatePickerControl.container: if (!document.getElementById("CalendarPickerControl")){ this.calBG = null; if (this.useTrickyBG){ // Creates a tricky bg to hide the select controls (IE bug). // We use a iframe element, because is one of the elements that can // stay on top of select controls. // I don't like this solution, but IE is a pseudo-browser for developers this.calBG = document.createElement("iframe"); this.calBG.id = "CalendarPickerControlBG"; // Style properties set here on purpose due to IE behaviour this.calBG.style.zIndex = "49999"; // below calcontainer this.calBG.style.position = "absolute"; this.calBG.style.display = "none"; this.calBG.style.border = "0px solid transparent"; document.body.appendChild(this.calBG); } this.calContainer = document.createElement("div"); this.calContainer.id = "CalendarPickerControl"; // Style properties set here on purpose due to IE behaviour this.calContainer.style.zIndex = "50000"; this.calContainer.style.position = "absolute"; this.calContainer.style.display = "none"; this.calContainer.style.width = this.datePickerControlWidth; document.body.appendChild(this.calContainer); if (this.calContainer.addEventListener){ this.calContainer.addEventListener("click", DPC_onContainerClick, false); window.addEventListener("resize", DPC_onWindowResize, false); } else if (this.calContainer.attachEvent){ this.calContainer.attachEvent("onclick", DPC_onContainerClick); window.attachEvent("onresize", DPC_onWindowResize); } } /** looking for input controls that will be transformed into DatePickerControls. */ jq('input[datepicker="true"]').each(function(index,domEle) { var templateLevel = domEle.getAttribute('templateLevel'); if(templateLevel == null) { doAttachDatePickerControlToInput(domEle) } }); /** When new rows are created, check for items to add DatePickerControl to*/ addNewRowEventHandler(function(event, newRowNumber, myNewRow) { attachDatePickerControlToInput(myNewRow); // Attach DatePickerControl }); } /** * Helpfunction to attach DatepickerControl to an input */ function attachDatePickerControlToInput(context) { jq('input[datepicker="true"]', context).each(function () { doAttachDatePickerControlToInput(this); })}; /** * Helperfunction that attaches eventListener to the Control */ function doAttachDatePickerControlToInput(editctrl) { if (! editctrl.id){ alert("Attribute 'id' is mandatory for DatePickerControl."); return false; } if (!DatePickerControl.createButton(editctrl)) return false; // Will there be a button displayed? editctrl.setAttribute("isdatepicker", "true"); if(editctrl.addEventListener){ editctrl.addEventListener("keyup", DPC_onEditControlKeyUp, false); editctrl.addEventListener("blur", DPC_onEditControlBlur, false); editctrl.addEventListener("focus", DPC_onEditControlFocus, false); editctrl.addEventListener("keydown", DPC_onEditControlKeyDown, false); } else if (editctrl.attachEvent){ editctrl.attachEvent("onkeyup", DPC_onEditControlKeyUp); editctrl.attachEvent("onblur", DPC_onEditControlBlur); editctrl.attachEvent("onfocus", DPC_onEditControlFocus); editctrl.attachEvent("onkeydown", DPC_onEditControlKeyDown); } return true; } /** * Wrapper for init() */ function DPC_autoInit() { DatePickerControl.init(); } if (window.addEventListener){ window.addEventListener("load", DPC_autoInit, false); } else if (window.attachEvent){ window.attachEvent("onload", DPC_autoInit); } /** * Creates the calendar button for a text-input control and assign some attributes. * @param input The associated text-input to create the button. * @param useId Specify if you want to use the Id of input control to obtain the format * @return true is the control has been created, otherwise false */ DatePickerControl.createButton = function(input) { var newid = this.buttonIdPrefix + input.id; if (document.getElementById(newid)) return false; // if exists previously.... // set the date format fmt = input.getAttribute("datepicker_format"); if (!fmt) fmt = this.defaultFormat; input.setAttribute("datepicker_format", fmt); input.setAttribute("maxlength", fmt.length); // Get min/max used for bracketing input.setMinDate = function(d){this.setAttribute("datepicker_min", d);} input.setMaxDate = function(d){this.setAttribute("datepicker_max", d);} // Create the button. ie an img var calButton = document.createElement('img'); calButton.id = newid; calButton.title = this.buttonTitle; // Set some attributes to remember the text-input associated // with this button and its format: calButton.setAttribute("datepicker_inputid", input.id); calButton.setAttribute("datepicker_format", fmt); // Add the event listeners: if (calButton.addEventListener){ calButton.addEventListener("click", DPC_onButtonClick, false); } else if (calButton.attachEvent){ calButton.attachEvent("onclick", DPC_onButtonClick); } // Set the style and position: calButton.className = "calendarbutton"; calButton.src = "/html/images/buttons/calendar.gif"; calButton.style.left = "-" + calButton.offsetWidth; jq(input).wrap(' '); jq(input).after(' ').after(jq(calButton)).after(" "); // everything is ok return true; } /** * Show the calendar */ DatePickerControl.show = function() { if (!this.displayed){ var input = this.inputControl; if (input == null) return; // Do NOT allow change for inputs that are readonly if (input.readOnly) { input.value = this.originalValue; return; } if (input.disabled) return; // just in case ;) var calframe = document.getElementById(this.calFrameId); this.setCalContainerPosition(input); this.calContainer.style.visibility = "visible"; this.calContainer.style.display = "block"; this.calContainer.style.height = calframe.offsetHeight; if (this.calBG){ // the ugly patch for IE this.calBG.style.top = this.calContainer.style.top; this.calBG.style.left = this.calContainer.style.left; this.calBG.style.visibility = "visible"; this.calBG.style.display = "block"; this.calBG.style.width = this.calContainer.offsetWidth; this.calBG.style.height = calframe.offsetHeight; } this.displayed = true; // setFocus(input); // jq(this).focus(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Hide the calendar */ DatePickerControl.hide = function() { if (this.displayed){ this.calContainer.style.visibility = "hidden"; this.calContainer.style.left = -1000; // some problems with overlaped controls this.calContainer.style.top = -1000; if (this.calBG){ // the ugly patch for IE this.calBG.style.visibility = "hidden"; this.calBG.style.left = -1000; this.calBG.style.top = -1000; } this.inputControl.value = this.originalValue; this.displayed = false; } } /** * Gets the name of a numbered month */ DatePickerControl.getMonthName = function(monthNumber) { return this.Months[monthNumber]; } /** * Obtains the days of a given month and year */ DatePickerControl.getDaysOfMonth = function(monthNo, p_year) { if (this.isLeapYear(p_year)){ return this.lDOMonth[monthNo]; } else { return this.DOMonth[monthNo]; } } /** * Will return an 1-D array with 1st element being the calculated month * and second being the calculated year after applying the month increment/decrement * as specified by 'incr' parameter. 'incr' will normally have 1/-1 to navigate thru * the months. */ DatePickerControl.calcMonthYear = function(p_Month, p_Year, incr) { var ret_arr = new Array(); if (incr == -1) { if (p_Month == 0) { ret_arr[0] = 11; ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year) - 1; } else { ret_arr[0] = parseInt(p_Month) - 1; ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year); } } else if (incr == 1) { if (p_Month == 11) { ret_arr[0] = 0; ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year) + 1; } else { ret_arr[0] = parseInt(p_Month) + 1; ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year); } } return ret_arr; } /** * Gets the DatePickerControl HTML code */ DatePickerControl.getAllCode = function() { var vCode = ""; vCode += "
"; vCode += this.getHeaderCode(); vCode += this.getDaysHeaderCode(); vCode += this.getDaysCode(); vCode += "
"; return vCode; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * The title and nav buttons */ DatePickerControl.getHeaderCode = function() { var prevMMYYYY = this.calcMonthYear(this.month, this.year, -1); var prevMM = prevMMYYYY[0]; var prevYYYY = prevMMYYYY[1]; var nextMMYYYY = this.calcMonthYear(this.month, this.year, 1); var nextMM = nextMMYYYY[0]; var nextYYYY = nextMMYYYY[1]; var gNow = new Date(); var vCode = ""; var numberCols = this.weekNumber ? 8 : 7; vCode += ""; vCode += this.monthName + "  "; vCode += "«"; vCode += " " + this.year + " "; vCode += "»"; vCode += ""; vCode += ""; vCode += ""; vCode += ""; vCode += ""; vCode += ""; vCode += ""; vCode += ""; return vCode; } /** * The days' name headers */ DatePickerControl.getDaysHeaderCode = function(){ var vCode = ""; vCode = vCode + ""; if (this.weekNumber){ vCode += " " } for (i=this.firstWeekDay; i"; } vCode = vCode + ""; return vCode; } /** * The days numbers code */ DatePickerControl.getDaysCode = function() { var vDate = new Date(); vDate.setDate(1); vDate.setMonth(this.month); vDate.setFullYear(this.year); var vFirstDay = vDate.getDay(); // Get day of week var vDay = 1; // Constant for the value 1 var vLastDay = this.getDaysOfMonth(this.month, this.year); var vOnLastDay = 0; var vCode = "";// Constant for the value "" this.dayOfWeek = vFirstDay; var prevm = this.month == 0 ? 11 : this.month-1; var prevy = this.prevm == 11 ? this.year - 1 : this.year; prevmontdays = this.getDaysOfMonth(prevm, prevy); // Get the number of days in PREVIOUS Month vFirstDay = (vFirstDay == 0 && this.firstWeekDay) ? 7 : vFirstDay; if (this.weekNumber){ var week = this.getWeekNumberSV(this.year, this.month, 1); var yearsLastWeekNumber = this.getWeekNumberSV(this.year, 11, 31); if (yearsLastWeekNumber == 1) yearsLastWeekNumber = 52; } vCode += ""; if (this.weekNumber){ vCode += "" + week + ""; } // Write the last days of previous month for (i=this.firstWeekDay; i" + (prevmontdays-vFirstDay+i+1) + ""; } // Write rest of the 1st week for (j=vFirstDay-this.firstWeekDay; j<7; j++) { if (this.isInRange(vDay)){ classname = this.getDayClass(vDay, j); vCode += "" + vDay + ""; } else{ vCode += "" + vDay + ""; } vDay++; } vCode += ""; // Write the rest of the weeks hence beginning on k=2 for (k=2; k<7; k++){ vCode = vCode + ""; if (this.weekNumber){ week++; if (week > yearsLastWeekNumber) week = 1; //Roll over weeknumber vCode += "" + week + ""; } for (j=0; j<7; j++){ if (this.isInRange(vDay)){ classname = this.getDayClass(vDay, j); vCode += "" + vDay + ""; } else{ vCode += "" + vDay + ""; } vDay++; if (vDay > vLastDay){ vOnLastDay = 1; break; } } // If week is full (j is then 7, ) if (j == 7) { vCode += ""; } if (vOnLastDay == 1) break; } // Fill up the rest of last week for (m=1; m<(7-j); m++){ vCode += "" + m + ""; } // Add a closing for last row vCode += ""; return vCode; } /** * Get the class according if is 'today', the 'current' date at the control, * a 'weekend' day, or a 'normal' day. * @param vday The number of the day in the current month and year * @param dayofweek The number of the day within the week (0..6) */ DatePickerControl.getDayClass = function(vday, dayofweek) { var gNow = new Date(); var vNowDay = gNow.getDate(); var vNowMonth = gNow.getMonth(); var vNowYear = gNow.getFullYear(); if (vday == vNowDay && this.month == vNowMonth && this.year == vNowYear){ return "today"; } else{ // transform the day acording the specified first day of week var realdayofweek = (7 + dayofweek + this.firstWeekDay) % 7; for (i=0; i= 30){ year += 1900; } else{ year += 2000; } } return year; } /** * Writes the specified date in the control and close the calendar. */ DatePickerControl.writeDate = function(day) { var d = this.formatData(day); this.inputControl.value = d; this.originalValue = d; this.hide(); if (DatePickerControl.onSelect) DatePickerControl.onSelect(this.inputControl.id); this.firstFocused = true; if ( typeof this.inputControl.onchange != 'undefined') { this.inputControl.onchange(); } // setFocus(this.inputControl); jq(this.inputControl).focus(); } /** * Writes the current date in the control */ DatePickerControl.writeCurrentDate = function() { var d = this.formatData(this.currentDay); this.inputControl.value = d; } /** * Creates and write the calendar's code * @param m The month to build * @param y The year to build */ DatePickerControl.build = function(m, y) { var currentMonth = this.month; var currentYear = this.year; var calframe = document.getElementById(this.calFrameId); if (m==null){ var now = new Date(); this.month = now.getMonth(); this.year = now.getFullYear(); } else{ this.month = m; this.year = y; } // validate range if (!this.isInRange(null)){ this.month = currentMonth; this.year = currentYear; } if (!this.isInRange(this.currentDay)){ if (this.minDate && this.currentDay < this.minDate.getDate()) this.currentDay = this.minDate.getDate(); if (this.maxDate && this.currentDay > this.maxDate.getDate()) this.currentDay = this.maxDate.getDate(); } this.monthName = this.Months[this.month]; var code = this.getAllCode(); writeLayer(this.calContainer.id, null, code); if (this.calContainer && calframe) this.calContainer.style.height = calframe.offsetHeight; this.firstFocused = true; // setFocus(this.inputControl); jq(this.inputControl).focus(); this.selectDay(this.currentDay); } /** * Build the prev month calendar */ DatePickerControl.buildPrev = function() { if (!this.displayed) return; var prevMMYYYY = this.calcMonthYear(this.month, this.year, -1); var prevMM = prevMMYYYY[0]; var prevYYYY = prevMMYYYY[1]; this.build(prevMM, prevYYYY); } /** * Build the next month calendar */ DatePickerControl.buildNext = function() { if (!this.displayed) return; var nextMMYYYY = this.calcMonthYear(this.month, this.year, 1); var nextMM = nextMMYYYY[0]; var nextYYYY = nextMMYYYY[1]; this.build(nextMM, nextYYYY); } /** * Today button action */ DatePickerControl.selectToday = function() { var now = new Date(); var today = now.getDate(); if (!this.isInRange(today)) return; // If the day not is within min/max bracket if (this.closeOnTodayBtn){ this.currentDay = today; this.writeDate(this.currentDay); } else{ this.selectDay(today); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Select a specific day */ DatePickerControl.selectDay = function(day) { if (!this.displayed) return; if (!this.isInRange(day)){ return; } var max = this.getDaysOfMonth(this.month, this.year); if (day > max) return; var newDayObject = document.getElementById(this.dayIdPrefix+day); var currentDayObject = document.getElementById(this.dayIdPrefix+this.currentDay); // TODO: Kolla om en skal in i andra if (newDayObject){ if (currentDayObject){ currentDayObject.className = currentDayObject.getAttribute("class_orig"); } newDayObject.className = "current"; this.currentDay = day; this.writeCurrentDate(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Select the prev week day * @param decr Use 1 for yesterday or 7 for prev week */ DatePickerControl.selectPrevDay = function(decr) { if (!this.displayed) return; var currentDay = this.currentDay; var max = this.getDaysOfMonth(this.month, this.year); var prev = currentDay - decr; if ( prev <= 0 ){ if (decr == 7){ currentDay += 27; prev = currentDay > max ? currentDay - 7 : currentDay; } else{ prev = max; } } this.selectDay(prev); } /** * Select the next week day * @param decr Use 1 for tomorrow or 7 for next week */ DatePickerControl.selectNextDay = function(incr) { if (!this.displayed) return; var currentDay = this.currentDay; var max = this.getDaysOfMonth(this.month, this.year); var nextDay = currentDay + incr; if ( nextDay > max ){ if (incr == 7){ currentDay = ((currentDay + this.dayOfWeek) % 7) - this.dayOfWeek; nextDay = currentDay < 0 ? currentDay+7 : currentDay; nextDay++; } else{ nextDay = 1; } } this.selectDay(nextDay); } /** * Show the calendar for an edit control */ DatePickerControl.showForEdit = function(edit) { if (this.displayed) return; if (edit == null) return; if (edit.disabled) return; this.inputControl = edit; this.originalValue = edit.value; this.setupRange(); // the format var format = this.inputControl.getAttribute("datepicker_format"); if (format == null) format = this.defaultFormat; this.format = format; // build with the current date in the control? if (this.validateDate(edit.value, format)){ var date = this.getDateFromControl(); this.currentDate = date; var year = date.getFullYear(); if (year < 1000) { this.currentDay = new Date().getDate(); this.build(null ,null); } else { this.build(date.getMonth(), date.getFullYear()); this.currentDay = date.getDate(); } } else{ this.currentDay = new Date().getDate(); this.build(null, null); } var currentDayObject = document.getElementById(this.dayIdPrefix+this.currentDay); if (currentDayObject) currentDayObject.className = "current"; this.writeCurrentDate(); // and finally this.show(); } /** * Determine if a given day (with current month and year) is in range * according to the min and max limit. * @param day The number of the day; if null then the current month is validated. */ DatePickerControl.isInRange = function(day) { if (!this.minDate && !this.maxDate) return true; if (day){ var aDate = new Date(); aDate.setFullYear(this.year); aDate.setMonth(this.month); aDate.setDate(day); if (this.minDate){ if (this.compareDates(aDate, this.minDate) < 0) return false; } if (this.maxDate){ if (this.compareDates(aDate, this.maxDate) > 0) return false; } } else{ // validate only the month. var currentym = parseInt(this.year.toString() + zeroPad(this.month.toString(),2)); var month; if (this.minDate){ month = this.minDate.getMonth(); var minym = parseInt(this.minDate.getFullYear().toString() + zeroPad(month.toString(),2)); if (currentym < minym) return false; } if (this.maxDate){ month = this.maxDate.getMonth(); var maxym = parseInt(this.maxDate.getFullYear().toString() + zeroPad(month.toString(),2)); if (currentym > maxym) return false; } } return true; } /** * Set up the Range ie. date between min and max */ DatePickerControl.setupRange = function() { // get the date range var edit = this.inputControl; var format = edit.getAttribute("datepicker_format"); var min = edit.getAttribute("datepicker_min"); this.minDate = min ? this.getDateFromString(min, format) : null; var max = edit.getAttribute("datepicker_max"); this.maxDate = max ? this.getDateFromString(max, format) : null; if (this.maxDate && this.minDate){ if (this.maxDate.getTime() < this.minDate.getTime()){ var tmp = this.maxDate; this.maxDate = this.minDate; this.minDate = tmp; } } } /** * Compare two dates. We cannot use Date getTime() mehtod in some specific cases, * so we use a trick with the string year+month+day transformed in a number. * @return '<0' if d1 < d2 '0' if d1 = d2 '>0' if d1 > d2 */ DatePickerControl.compareDates = function(d1, d2) { var month = d1.getMonth(); var date = d1.getDate(); var date1AsString = d1.getFullYear().toString() + zeroPad(month.toString(),2) +zeroPad (d.toString(),2); month = d2.getMonth(); d = d2.getDate(); var date1AsString = d2.getFullYear().toString() + zeroPad(month.toString(),2) + zeroPad (d.toString(),2); var n1 = parseInt(date1AsString); var n2 = parseInt(date2AsString); return n1-n2; } /** * Validate a string according to a date format. * Portions of code from: http://www.rgagnon.com/jsdetails/js-0063.html * @param strdate The string with the date. * @param format The format to validate. * @return true if succesfull or false otherwise */ DatePickerControl.validateDate = function(strdate, format) { var dateRegExp; var separator; var d, m, y; var currentDay = this.currentDay var currentMonth = this.month var currentYear = this.year; if (strdate == "") return false; // use the correct regular expresion... if (format.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() == "D"){ dateRegExp = /^\d{1,2}(\-|\/|\.)\d{1,2}\1\d{2,4}$/ } else if (format.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() == "Y"){ dateRegExp = /^\d{4}(\-|\/|\.)\d{1,2}\1\d{1,2}$/ // Only allow for years with 4 digits.. } else if (format.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() == "M"){ dateRegExp = /^\d{1,2}(\-|\/|\.)\d{1,2}\1\d{2,4}$/ } // is ok at least with the format? if (!dateRegExp.test(strdate)){ return false; } // check for a valid day month day combination separator = (strdate.indexOf("/") > 1) ? "/" : ((strdate.indexOf("-") > 1) ? "-" : "."); var datearray = strdate.split(separator); // get the number of date elements if (format.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() == "D"){ d = parseFloat(datearray[0]); m = parseFloat(datearray[1]); y = parseFloat(datearray[2]); } else if (format.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() == "Y"){ d = parseFloat(datearray[2]); m = parseFloat(datearray[1]); y = parseFloat(datearray[0]); } else if (format.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() == "M"){ d = parseFloat(datearray[1]); m = parseFloat(datearray[0]); y = parseFloat(datearray[2]); } // is a valid month? if (m<1 || m>12) return false; //check if month value and day value agree if (d > this.getDaysOfMonth(m-1, y)) return false; if (y <= 1900) return false; // Conform to Exder / // ok, date is valid... but is it in range? try { this.month = m; this.year = y; var res = this.isInRange(d); } catch (e) { } this.month = currentMonth; this.year = currentYear; return res; } /** * Check if a year is leap: * 1.Years evenly divisible by four are normally leap years, except for... * 2.Years also evenly divisible by 100 are not leap years, except for... * 3.Years also evenly divisible by 400 are leap years. * @return true if the year is leap or false otherwise. */ DatePickerControl.isLeapYear = function(year) { if ((year % 4) == 0){ if ((year % 100) == 0 && (year % 400) != 0){ return false; } return true; } return false; } /** * Click event for calendar button */ function DPC_onButtonClick(event){DatePickerControl.onButtonClick(event);} DatePickerControl.onButtonClick = function(event) { if (!this.displayed){ // get the button if (event == null) event = window.event; var button = (event.srcElement) ? event.srcElement : event.originalTarget; // gets the associated input: var input = document.getElementById(button.getAttribute("datepicker_inputid")); this.showForEdit(input); } else{ this.hide(); } } /** * Click event for calendar layer. */ function DPC_onContainerClick(event){DatePickerControl.onContainerClick(event);} DatePickerControl.onContainerClick = function(event) { if (event == null) event = window.event; if (this.hideTimeout){ clearTimeout(this.hideTimeout); this.hideTimeout = null; } // setFocus(this.inputControl); jq(this.inputControl).focus(); return false; } function DPC_onEditControlKeyDown(event){DatePickerControl.onEditControlKeyDown(event);} DatePickerControl.onEditControlKeyDown = function(event) { if (event == null) event = window.event; var kc = event.charCode ? event.charCode : event.which ? event.which : event.keyCode; if (this.displayed && kc == 9 ){ if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); event.returnValue = false; event.cancelBubble = true; return false; } } /** * Key-up event for edit controls as date-pickers */ function DPC_onEditControlKeyUp(event){DatePickerControl.onEditControlKeyUp(event);} DatePickerControl.onEditControlKeyUp = function(event) { if (event == null) event = window.event; var edit = event.srcElement ? event.srcElement : event.originalTarget; var kc = event.charCode ? event.charCode : event.which ? event.which : event.keyCode; switch (kc){ case 37: // left arrow key if (this.displayed){ this.selectPrevDay(1); } break; case 38: // up arrow key this.selectPrevDay(7); break; case 39: // right arrow key this.selectNextDay(1); break; case 40: // down arrow key if (!this.displayed){ this.showForEdit(edit); } else{ this.selectNextDay(7); break; } break; case 27: // escape key this.hide(); break; case 33: // PageUp if (event.shiftKey){ this.build(this.month, parseInt(this.year)-1); } else{ this.buildPrev(); } break; case 34: // PageDown if (event.shiftKey){ this.build(this.month, parseInt(this.year)+1); } else{ this.buildNext(); } break; case 13: // enter-key (forms without submit buttons) if (this.displayed && this.currentDay > 0){ this.writeDate(this.currentDay); } break; } return false; } /** * Blur event for edit controls as date-pickers */ function DPC_onEditControlBlur(event){DatePickerControl.onEditControlBlur(event);} DatePickerControl.onEditControlBlur = function(event) { if (event == null) event = window.event; if (!this.hideTimeout){ this.hideTimeout = setTimeout("DatePickerControl.hide()", this.HIDE_TIMEOUT); } this.firstFocused = false; this.hideCauseBlur = true; } /** * Focus event for edit controls as date-pickers */ function DPC_onEditControlFocus(event){DatePickerControl.onEditControlFocus(event);} DatePickerControl.onEditControlFocus = function(event) { if (event == null) event = window.event; var edit = (event.srcElement) ? event.srcElement : event.originalTarget; this.inputControl = edit; // regarding 41701 / 41643 / 41779 / 41881 // commenting this line SHOULD fix a problem where a date might show on the field but the "onchange" doesnt trigger // and makes the field populated even if it shouldnt... // this.originalValue = edit.value; // when we are here edit.value has in some cases already been written to, uncorrectly saving the original value here this.setupRange(); if ((!this.displayed || this.hideCauseBlur) && this.autoShow && !this.firstFocused){ clearTimeout(this.hideTimeout); this.hideTimeout = null; this.firstFocused = true; if (this.hideCauseBlur){ this.hideCauseBlur = false; this.hide(); } this.showForEdit(edit); } else if (this.inputControl && this.inputControl.id != edit.id) { this.hide(); } else if (this.hideTimeout){ clearTimeout(this.hideTimeout); this.hideTimeout = null; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Window resize event. */ function DPC_onWindowResize(event){DatePickerControl.onWindowResize(event);} DatePickerControl.onWindowResize = function(event) { this.relocate(); } /** * Relocate the calendar's frame */ DatePickerControl.relocate = function() { if (this.displayed){ var input = this.inputControl; if (input == null) return; this.setCalContainerPosition(input); if (this.calBG){ // the ugly patch for IE this.calBG.style.top = this.calContainer.style.top; this.calBG.style.left = this.calContainer.style.left; } } } /** * Helperfunction to set ContainerPosition */ DatePickerControl.setCalContainerPosition = function(input) { var top = getSize("offsetTop", input); var left = getSize("offsetLeft", input); this.calContainer.style.top = top + input.offsetHeight + this.offsetY + "px"; // find client browser width var windowWidth = jQuery(window).width(); // if calculated left position + offset setting + width of picker exceeds window width, adjust left position, // but only do if we found a windowWidth (which we always should) if(windowWidth != null && ( (left + this.offsetX + this.datePickerControlWidth) > windowWidth) ) { // set left property to window width - the width of calendar - some margin this.calContainer.style.left = document.body.clientWidth - this.datePickerControlWidth - 10 + "px"; } else // if not reaching out of window, set left property normally this.calContainer.style.left = left + this.offsetX + "px"; } /** * Gets the number of the week on the year for the given year, month, day. * ¨For SWEDISH Standard. */ DatePickerControl.getWeekNumberSV = function (year, month, day) { var when = new Date(year,month,day); var yearsFirstDay = new Date(year,0,1); var dayNumberYearsFirstDay = yearsFirstDay.getDay(); var yearsLastDay = new Date(year,11,31); var dayNumberYearsLastDay = yearsLastDay.getDay(); var dayNumberCurrentDay = ((Date.UTC(y2k(year),when.getMonth(),when.getDate(),0,0,0) - Date.UTC(y2k(year),0,1,0,0,0)) /1000/60/60/24) + 1; var weekNumber = Math.floor((dayNumberCurrentDay + 5 + dayNumberYearsFirstDay)/7); if (dayNumberYearsFirstDay > 4) weekNumber = weekNumber - 1; if ((weekNumber == 53 && dayNumberYearsLastDay < 4 )) weekNumber = 1; if (weekNumber == 0) { weekNumber = 52 if (dayNumberYearsFirstDay == 5) { weekNumber = 53; } else if ( (dayNumberYearsFirstDay == 4) && ( (when.getYear() - 1) % 4 == 0)) { weekNumber = 53; } } return weekNumber; } function y2k(number) { return (number < 1000) ? number + 1900 : number; } /** * Used to calculate the size when relocating * Based on code by: Mircho Mirev * Adjusted to take (nested) divs scroll positions into account * @param sParam * @param hLayer */ function getSize(sParam, hLayer) { nPos = 0; var scrollAmount = 0; if (sParam == 'offsetTop') { // Only get scroll when looking for vertical needs to be done before loop scrollAmount = getFrameScrollAmount(hLayer); } while ((hLayer.tagName) && !( /(body|html)/i.test(hLayer.tagName))){ nPos += eval('hLayer.' + sParam); if (sParam == 'offsetTop'){ if (hLayer.clientTop){ nPos += hLayer.clientTop; } } if (sParam == 'offsetLeft'){ if (hLayer.clientLeft){ nPos += hLayer.clientLeft; } } hLayer = hLayer.offsetParent; } nPos -= scrollAmount; // ONLY for vertical ie.offsetTop return nPos; } /** * Get Accumulated Scrollamount of all parentDivs for a given element * @param input */ function getFrameScrollAmount(input) { var scrollAmount = 0; jq(input).parents('div').each(function() { scrollAmount += this.scrollTop; }); return scrollAmount; } /** * Based on code by: Peter Todorov */ function writeLayer(ID, parentID, sText) { if (document.layers){ var oLayer; if(parentID){ oLayer = eval('document.' + parentID + '.document.' + ID + '.document'); } else{ oLayer = document.layers[ID].document; } oLayer.open(); oLayer.write(sText); oLayer.close(); } else if(document.all){ document.all[ID].innerHTML = sText; } else{ document.getElementById(ID).innerHTML = sText; } } // To help debugging
/** * * User: Gerry Askefalk * Date: 2011-sep-27, 2011-Nov-17 * Added handling of intervals with push-copy and delay of validation in from/to fields * when moving between those */ var lastFocus = []; // holds the last focused field /** * Attach events (browser-transparent via jQuery) for keydown. */ function attachKeyDown(context) { jq("input",context).each(function() { if( this.getAttribute('templateLevel') != null) // Avoid to add events to templateRows return; if( this.getAttribute('datepicker')) // Avoid keyDown event for datepickerfields return; jq( this).keydown(function(event) { if( (jq(this).hasClass('active'))) // Avoid auto-complete fields return; if (event.which == ARROW_DOWN) { // arrow-down see http://api.jquery.com/event.which/ event.preventDefault(); var searchButton = jq( this).next('a'); // Find the next element, given it is a link. if(searchButton) { var href = searchButton.attr('href'); if ( typeof searchButton.attr('href') != 'undefined') { if (href.length > 0) { searchButton.click(); // Trigger onClick to prepare search window.location.href = searchButton.attr('href'); // Follow the link, trick to get native click-action } } } }; }); }); }; jq(document).ready(function() { addNewRowEventHandler(function(event, newRowNumber, myNewRow) { attachKeyDown(myNewRow); // Attach handler to new row }); attachKeyDown(); /** * Bind a KeyUp handler for ALL interval fields (from-to), listen for Alt-Q, once found do a push-copy * bi-directional,works for either field in the interval. */ jq('input[isIntervalField="true"],select[isIntervalField="true"]').keyup(function(event) { if(event.altKey) if (event.which == KEY_Q) { var currentBaseField = jq(this).attr(FIELD_ID); // the base_name of the field i.e with _to/from excluded var currentFieldId = jq(this).attr(NAME); var targetFieldId = currentBaseField + (jq.isSubstring(currentFieldId,FROM) ? TO : FROM); if (jq(this).val() != "") jq("#" + targetFieldId).val(jq(this).val()); else jq(this).val(jq("#" + targetFieldId).val()); errorhandler.removeAllErrorsForField($(currentFieldId)); errorhandler.removeAllErrorsForField($(targetFieldId)); checkFromTo($(currentBaseField + FROM),$(currentBaseField + TO),event); errorhandler.markFieldWithError(this, true, true, event); } }); /** * Bind a Focus handler for ALL fields that executes interval sanity checking on interval fields (from-to) */ jq('input,select,radio,checkbox,textarea,a').focus(function(event) { if (lastFocus != null) { // If we already show an error skip further check to avoid never-ending loop over alert <> focus if( errorhandler.fieldHasAnyError(lastFocus) == false ) { if (jq(lastFocus).isFromToField()) { var fieldId = jq(lastFocus).attr(FIELD_ID); var currentFieldId = jq(this).attr(FIELD_ID); if (fieldId != currentFieldId) { // We have changed to another pair (..or another field) errorhandler.removeAllErrorsForField(lastFocus); checkFromTo($(fieldId + FROM),$(fieldId + TO),event); errorhandler.markFieldWithError(lastFocus, true, true, event); } else { // We have moved between from and to or vice versa errorhandler.removeAllErrorsForField(lastFocus); errorhandler.removeAllErrorsForField(this); } } } } lastFocus = this; //set lastFocused field to current field }); });